Occupational Assessments Education and Training |
Looking for the right employee to fill a vacancy?... trying to find a job applicant with just the right qualifications?... frustrated by the high cost of recruitment advertising and the long time delays? Save time and money, let "CareerMachine" do the search. Just enter your job requirements and applicant specs into the system. "CareerMachine" has exclusive built-in SmartMatch program that will automatically sort the database and identify the resumes of applicants that match your needs. Its that easy and that fast. Our database includes thousands of potential candidates from many professions. Save the time and money you might have spent on advertising, search through the "CareerMachine" database of available, interviewed andpre-screened or unscreened candidates. Don't miss this opportunity to find the staff you've been looking for. "CareerMachine" is an innovative, internet-based job opportunity and resume matching program accessed through The Personnel Department. As one of Canada's largest recruiting firms, The Personnel Department has offices in British Columbia, Alberta, Oregon, Utah and Australia. With thousands of already listed applicants in our databank we may already have your prospective new employee ready and waiting. |